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Easily add the current web-page from your browser directly into your changedetection.io tool, more great features coming soon!

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Some sites use JavaScript to create the content, for this you should use the Chrome/WebDriver Fetcher
You can use variables in the URL, perfect for inserting the current date and other logic, help and examples here
Organisational tag/group name used in the main listing page
Sends a notification when the filter can no longer be seen on the page, good for knowing when the page changed and your filter will not work anymore.

Use the Basic method (default) where your watched site doesn't need Javascript to render.

The Chrome/Javascript method requires a network connection to a running WebDriver+Chrome server, set by the ENV var 'WEBDRIVER_URL'.

Tip: Connect using Bright Data and Oxylabs Proxies, find out more here.
If you're having trouble waiting for the page to be fully rendered (text missing etc), try increasing the 'wait' time here.
This will wait n seconds before extracting the text.
Using the current global default settings

Click here to Start

Please allow 10-15 seconds for the browser to connect.
Loading (?)
Use with caution! This will easily fill up your email storage quota or flood other storages.
Look out! There are system-wide notification URLs enabled, this form will override notification settings for this watch only ‐ an empty Notification URL list here will still send notifications.
Use system defaults
Title for all notifications
Body for all notifications ‐ You can use Jinja2 templating in the notification title, body and URL, and tokens from below.
Show token/placeholders
Format for all notifications
  • Use the preview page to see your filters and triggers highlighted.
  • Some sites use JavaScript to create the content, for this you should use the Chrome/WebDriver Fetcher
One rule per line, any rules that matches will be used.
  • CSS - Limit text to this CSS rule, only text matching this CSS rule is included.
  • JSON - Limit text to this JSON rule, using either JSONPath or jq (if installed).
    • JSONPath: Prefix with json:, use json:$ to force re-formatting if required, test your JSONPath here.
    • jq: Prefix with jq: and test your jq here. Using jq allows for complex filtering and processing of JSON data with built-in functions, regex, filtering, and more. See examples and documentation here. Prefix jqraw: outputs the results as text instead of a JSON list.
  • XPath - Limit text to this XPath rule, simply start with a forward-slash. To specify XPath to be used explicitly or the XPath rule starts with an XPath function: Prefix with xpath:
    • Example: //*[contains(@class, 'sametext')] or xpath:count(//*[contains(@class, 'sametext')]), test your XPath here
    • Example: Get all titles from an RSS feed //title/text()
    • To use XPath1.0: Prefix with xpath1:
Please be sure that you thoroughly understand how to write CSS, JSONPath, XPath, or jq selector rules before filing an issue on GitHub! here for more CSS selector help.
  • Remove HTML element(s) by CSS selector before text conversion.
  • Don't paste HTML here, use only CSS selectors
  • Add multiple elements or CSS selectors per line to ignore multiple parts of the HTML.

Text filtering

Limit trigger/ignore/block/extract to;
Note: Depending on the length and similarity of the text on each line, the algorithm may consider an addition instead of replacement for example. So it's always better to select Added+Replaced when you're interested in new content.
When content is merely moved in a list, it will also trigger an addition, consider enabling Only trigger when unique lines appear
Helps reduce changes detected caused by sites shuffling lines around, combine with check unique lines below.
Good for websites that just move the content around, and you want to know when NEW content is added, compares new lines against all history for this watch.
  • Text to wait for before triggering a change/notification, all text and regex are tested case-insensitive.
  • Trigger text is processed from the result-text that comes out of any CSS/JSON Filters for this watch
  • Each line is processed separately (think of each line as "OR")
  • Note: Wrap in forward slash / to use regex example: /foo\d/
  • Each line processed separately, any line matching will be ignored (removed before creating the checksum)
  • Regular Expression support, wrap the entire line in forward slash /regex/
  • Changing this will affect the comparison checksum which may trigger an alert
  • Use the preview/show current tab to see ignores
  • Block change-detection while this text is on the page, all text and regex are tested case-insensitive, good for waiting for when a product is available again
  • Block text is processed from the result-text that comes out of any CSS/JSON Filters for this watch
  • All lines here must not exist (think of each line as "OR")
  • Note: Wrap in forward slash / to use regex example: /foo\d/
  • Extracts text in the final output (line by line) after other filters using regular expressions or string match;
    • Regular expression ‐ example /reports.+?2022/i
    • Don't forget to consider the white-space at the start of a line /.+?reports.+?2022/i
    • Use //(?aiLmsux)) type flags (more information here)
    • Keyword example ‐ example Out of stock
    • Use groups to extract just that text ‐ example /reports.+?(\d+)/i returns a list of years only
    • Example - match lines containing a keyword /.*icecream.*/
  • One line per regular-expression/string match
The Visual Selector tool lets you select the text elements that will be used for the change detection. It automatically fills-in the filters in the "CSS/JSONPath/JQ/XPath Filters" box of the Filters & Triggers tab. Use Shift+Click to select multiple items.
Clear selection One moment, fetching screenshot and element information..
Currently: Loading...
Check count 1,228
Consecutive filter failures 0
History length 1
Last fetch duration 14.348s
Notification alert count 6
Server type reply cloudflare

Download latest HTML snapshot